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Forms to Fill out Prior to Training

Why do you want to work with us?

Please Fill out the application below so we can get a better sense of your goals. It will take 1 minute of your time.


Click on the button below to open the Google Form



Everyone must fill out this form prior to training. 

ParMedX Form

This form needed to be filled out prior to first initial appointment. Click on the pdf to open, print, fill out and either upload or take a photo and send it back to

ParMed X Pregnancy Form


This form is needed if you become pregnant during training  or are already pregnant and wanting to work with us. 


This form needed to be filled out prior to first initial appointment. Click on the pdf to open, print, fill out and either upload or take a photo and send it back to

This form is needed after you've given birth. We require you fill this out and send it back to us via email before the initial intake.

*Click on Title for Form.



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